For the Press

Feel free to use my pho­to and biog­ra­phy in fly­ers or brochures for a con­fer­ence or author vis­it, or for a news article.


Sarah Sul­li­van is the author of pic­ture books, nov­els and poet­ry. Her pic­ture book, Pass­ing the Music Down, was an N.C.T.E. Notable book, a nom­i­nee for the West Vir­ginia Chil­dren’s Choice Award and a Bank Street Col­lege Best Chil­dren’s Book. Her nov­el, All That’s Miss­ing, received a starred review from the Bul­letin of the Cen­ter for Chil­dren’s Books. Her poet­ry has been anthol­o­gized and has appeared in Crick­et mag­a­zine and oth­er pub­li­ca­tions. Sarah holds an MFA in Writ­ing for Chil­dren & Young Adults from Ver­mont Col­lege where she was award­ed a Har­court Post-Grad­u­ate Schol­ar­ship. She lives with her hus­band in Williams­burg, Virginia.

Downloadable Photos

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Sarah Sullivan
Sarah Sul­li­van (pho­to cred­it: Corey Miller)

Downloadable Book Covers

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (10″ x 10″) for Pass­ing the Music Down. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (10″ x 10″) for A Day for Skat­ing. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (10″ x 10″) for All That’s Miss­ing. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”