All That’s Missing

All That's Missing

pub­lish­er, Can­dlewick Press

When his grandfather’s demen­tia rais­es the specter of fos­ter care, Arlo flees to find his only oth­er fam­i­ly mem­ber in this gen­uine, heart­en­ing novel.

Arlo’s grand­fa­ther trav­els in time. Not literally—he just mix­es up the past with the present. Arlo holds on as best he can, fix­ing him­self corn­flakes for din­ner and pay­ing back the own­er of the cor­ner store for the sausages Pop­po eats with­out remem­ber­ing to pay. But how long before some­one finds out that Arlo is tak­ing care of the grand­fa­ther he lives with instead of the oth­er way around? When Pop­po lands in the hos­pi­tal and a social work­er comes to take charge, Arlo’s fear of fos­ter care sends him alone across three hun­dred miles. Armed with a name and a town, Arlo finds his only oth­er fam­i­ly member—the grand­moth­er he doesn’t remem­ber ever meet­ing. But just find­ing her isn’t enough to make them a fam­i­ly. Unfail­ing­ly hon­est and touched with a dash of mag­i­cal real­ism, Sarah Sullivan’s evoca­tive debut nov­el delves into a fam­i­ly mys­tery and unearths uni­ver­sal truths about home, trust, friend­ship, and strength—all the things a boy needs.



“An out­stand­ing debut nov­el.” (VOYA

“There’s no pre­ten­sion in this sim­ple but deep sto­ry.” (Bul­letin of the Cen­ter for Chil­dren’s Books, starred review)

“Sul­li­van’s debut nov­el beau­ti­ful­ly bal­ances the big issues in Arlo’s life with his small­er, more imme­di­ate con­cerns: his dog, an adven­tur­ous friend, and the mag­ic of a wood­en eagle carved by his father. Filled with heart, this will appeal to fans of Kate DiCamil­lo’s Because of Winn-Dix­ie.” (Book­list)

“Intrigu­ing … sus­pense­ful … [R]eaders will root for this young­ster as he works to cre­ate a place he can call home.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“In a nov­el laced with mys­tery and a hint of the super­nat­ur­al, pic­ture book author Sul­li­van (Pass­ing the Music Down) cre­ates a strong small-town atmos­phere through Edge­wa­ter’s cit­i­zens. young and old. A qui­et­ly affect­ing com­ing-of-age sto­ry about find­ing fam­i­ly and con­fronting change.” (Pub­lish­er’s Week­ly)

“It’s rare to find a qui­et, refiec­tive mid­dle-grade nov­el with a boy as the main char­ac­ter, and rar­er still to find one this sat­is­fy­ing.” (Cleve­land Plain Deal­er)

All That's Missing

pub­lish­er, Can­dlewick Press

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