Root Beer and Banana

Root Beer and Banana

illus­tra­tor, Greg Shed
pub­lish­er, Can­dlewick Press

Find this book at your local pub­lic library or your favorite used bookseller.

Sarah Sul­li­van’s lyri­cal text and Greg Shed’s warm, nos­tal­gic illus­tra­tions lend a south­ern fla­vor to this gen­tle tale of friend­ship and small kindnesses.

Mis­ter Mac’s ceil­ing fan stirs the heat
while the ice-cream freez­er
hums its steady tune.

Cold air hits my face
when I slide the door open.

It’s sum­mer on the riv­er, hot enough to melt the tar on the roof, and Squirt is hap­py to be at Mis­ter Mac’s Gen­er­al Store, where her grand­fa­ther is treat­ing her to a cold, refresh­ing Pop­si­cle. Her only dilem­ma is what fla­vor to choose — until she meets a girl named Mir­a­cle, with her bright­ly patched dress, who’s a nick­el shy of buy­ing her own frozen treat. With some qui­et help from Grand­dad­dy, Squirt makes just the right choice and ends up with some­thing even bet­ter than TWO Pop­si­cles: a new friend.

Root Beer and Banana. Text copy­right © 2005 by Sarah Sul­li­van. Illus­tra­tions copy­right © 2005 by Greg Shed. Repro­duced by per­mis­sion of the pub­lish­er, Can­dlewick Press, Somerville, MA.



“This inge­nious lit­tle book about fam­i­ly and friend­ship would be an excel­lent way to intro­duce the top­ic of a new baby to old­er brothers—and sis­ters.” (Book Page)

“One of the best books about friend­ship.” (Jen­nifer Gar­ner, actress and reader)

“A refresh­ing sum­mer treat.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“A qui­et, lyri­cal tale about friend­ship.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“Poet­ic text.” (Book­list)

“With painter­ly, atmos­pher­ic illus­tra­tions, this book evokes a lazy sum­mer’s day in the coun­try and an encounter between two new friends.” (Won­der­time)

Root Beer and Banana

illus­tra­tor, Greg Shed
pub­lish­er, Can­dlewick Press

Find this book at your local pub­lic library or your favorite used bookseller.