Once Upon a Baby Brother

Once Upon a Baby Brother

illus­trat­ed by Tri­cia Tusa
pub­lished by Far­rar, Straus & Giroux

Find this book at your local pub­lic library or your favorite used bookseller.

Lizzie loves to make up sto­ries and tell them to any­one and every­one, even though now that her annoy­ing baby broth­er, Mar­vin, has joined the fam­i­ly, no one has time to lis­ten. She’s so full of ideas, it seems like noth­ing can stop her. And then one day, some­thing does. What’s a star writer to do?

Lizzie finds inspi­ra­tion where she least expects it in this fun­ny pic­ture book, illus­trat­ed with ener­gy and piz­zazz by award-win­ning artist Tri­cia Tusa.


Once Upon a Baby Broth­er Book­mark

Once Upon a Baby Broth­er Teacher’s Guide

Awards & Recognition

  • Bank Street Col­lege Best Chil­dren’s Books 2011


“This book is a delight on so many lev­els, and our first- through third-grade teach­ers, in par­tic­u­lar, are sure to request it right off the bat, for its won­der­ful cre­ative-writ­ing appli­ca­tions. (Need­less to say, our young read­ers them­selves will love the sto­ry, too!)” (Susan Braun­stein, Librar­i­an, New Rochelle, NY)

“Sul­li­van has found an oblique way to write about the ups and downs of a school-age child adjust­ing to a much younger sib­ling, and she car­ries it out with skill.” (Book­list)

“Every­one is cap­ti­vat­ed by con­fi­dent and pro­lif­ic Lizzie’s abil­i­ties. Miss Pen­ny­roy­al’s new assign­ment is to cre­ate a com­ic-book char­ac­ter who will have lots of adven­tures. With a dead­line loom­ing, Lizzie devel­ops a seri­ous case of writer’s block some­thing was miss­ing. Then an unex­pect­ed dose of inspi­ra­tion comes from her lit­tle broth­er when he returns home from vis­it­ing Gram­ma. Expres­sive water­col­or and ink car­toon illus­tra­tions done in soft hues have humor­ous ele­ments, such as young Mar­vin stand­ing on a stack of books in his crib. This is a good choice to share with chil­dren cop­ing with and learn­ing to accept a new sib­ling.” (School Library Jour­nal)

Once Upon a Baby Brother

illus­trat­ed by Tri­cia Tusa
pub­lished by Far­rar, Straus & Giroux

Find this book at your local pub­lic library or your favorite used bookseller.