Discounted Book Orders

Book Sales and Autographing

When I vis­it your school, stu­dents, teach­ers, and staff can pur­chase my books direct­ly from my pub­lish­er at a spe­cial 40% school dis­count! Dur­ing my vis­it, I will sign and per­son­al­ize all the books.

Here’s how it works:

  1. First, get in touch with Dominique Peck at Can­dlewick Press at or by phone at (617) 588‑4524. Dominique will pro­vide you with an up-to-date list of books cur­rent­ly in stock and will guide you through the process. She can also send you dig­i­tal images of the book cov­ers if you need them. (I can also send you an infor­ma­tion sheet from Can­dlewick Press with instruc­tions on how to order books.)
  2. Print the Back­pack Book Order form or make one like it. Next, four to five weeks before my vis­it, dis­trib­ute the form to teach­ers, so stu­dents can take them home to their caregivers.
  3. Every­one returns their fly­ers, with checks made out to your school or PTO. Now you know how many books to order.
  4. Please place your order 3 or 4 weeks pri­or to my vis­it.
  5. On the day of my vis­it, we will set aside 30–45 min­utes for me to sign books. If I don’t get to all of the books dur­ing the school day, I’ll stay after school until they are all signed.
  6. Or as an alter­na­tive: Instead of order­ing books from the pub­lish­er, some schools choose to order books through a local book­store. If you choose to go that route, I’m hap­py to pro­vide an order form for the store to use.

Note: The Back­pack Book Order form lists books at their dis­count­ed price. If you choose, you can charge more and use the book sale as a fund rais­er. I’m hap­py to email you a word doc­u­ment of the order form, which you can edit how­ev­er you like.

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Dominique Peck or email me directly.